Community and enterprise users can take the burden off of approving trusted HERO applicants by using the auto approve feature. In this guide, we will cover the basics of how to enable Auto Approve and other information you need to know.
Setup Auto Approve
Setting up Auto Approve slightly varies based on your user type. In order to start adding Heroes to your auto approval list, you must set up the auto approve functionality in your community settings first. If you are a community user, follow these steps. If you are an enterprise user, you’ll follow a different set of steps.
For community users:
1. Go the your Community page, scroll down to the section titled Auto-Approve Settings.
2. Toggle Enable Trusted HERO Auto-Approval to ON. You must also set a maximum number of hours per week that the auto approve function will be allowed for.
As an example, if you set the maximum at 30 hours per week, the auto approve functionality will not work on a HERO if their maximum number of hours is expected or has already exceeded the 30 hours for the current week.
3. Save your changes
For enterprise users
1. Go to your community list
2. Select a community
3. Under the community profile, select All Information & Document
4. Go to the Roles & Pay Rates tab
5. Toggle Enable Trusted HERO Auto-Approval and set the maximum hours per week. The maximum number of hours per week.
As an example, if you set the maximum at 30 hours per week, the auto approve functionality will not work on a HERO if their maximum number of hours is expected or has already exceeded the 30 hours for the current week.
6. Save your changes.
Auto Approving a HERO
In order for auto approve to work, you must enable the option on HERO profiles. This can only be done for Heroes who have worked at least one shift at your community.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open a HERO profile
2. Locate the Trusted HERO Auto Approval and toggle to ON
3. As an enterprise user, you may be required to select the communities which the HERO is auto approved for.
4. Enterprise users can manage the list of communities at any time by clicking on the gear icon that appears next to the auto approve option.
5. If you want to disable auto approve for a HERO, simply go to their profile and repeat the steps by toggling to OFF.
Auto Approved List
Enterprise users can see the number of child communities that have auto approved a HERO by following these steps:
1. Open a HERO Profile
2. Hover over the Auto Approved Communities row
Here, you can see the history and number of communities that have auto approved the HERO.
Having problems, reach out to our support team via herosupport@doyoukare.com or through in-app messaging.